Rocket Fizz Candy store in Parker Colorado
The other day as I was preparing our house for a showing (it’s for sale, someone come buy it!!) I glanced over on one of our shelves where I saw my father’s old fashioned gumball machine. It sat on the shelf empty, and I suddenly had the thought that it would look a lot cuter if I actually went and put some gumballs in it. That’s when I decided to take a drive down to main street and visit the Rocket Fizz soda pop and candy shop.

Upon entering I immediately wanted to start humming the tune from Charlie and the Chocolate factory! I was kind of astonished with myself that I hadn’t stepped in here yet. Rocket Fizz is a little like opening a time portal into the 1950s, and what a cool little soda and candy shop it is! There are literally hundreds of different varieties of sodas available on the shelves, with all sorts of wild colors, flavors and labels. I didn’t get a soda on this trip but I have a feeling I’ll be back to do some sampling pretty soon.
There also looked to be all sorts of prank gifts, gags, and old Americana 1950’s style art decorating the walls that was for sale. I think people my parent’s age would absolutely adore this shop, as it would really be a trip down memory lane for them to the time of soda fountains and poodle skirts! This is a great spot to find some cool memorabilia, unique soda and of course, a gigantic sugar rush!

The owner Stephanie was a joy to speak with and she was super helpful. She even had the gumballs I was after! So, I bought three bags of them and some Swedish fish for good measure. I had not even thought of it when I was in there, but I am definitely going back to get some JAWBREAKERS!
To learn more about Rocket Fizz you can visit their website here.
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